Many people call me with a lot of issue they would want to find a solution for, some of the most commons ones are job related, delay in marriage, family dispute and loss in business etc…
I have looked at more than 5000 horoscopes so far and people with whom I have spent time in the last few years and have noticed a lot of cases where these issues occurred were due to Pitra Dosh. This blog is for all my readers on what exactly is Pitra dosh and how one can overcome it.
Let’s understand what exactly is a Pitra and types of Pitra…
Pitra: These are the ancestors whose souls have obtained eternal rest because their descendants have performed the funerary rites as per the scriptures. The Pitra has a planet of residence and is called as Pitralok, it is an astral world and the residents here have astral bodies.
There are broadly two categories of Pitra… Shant and Ashant … i.e.. Peaceful and Restless.
The Shant Pitra or the Peaceful souls are those who have not got the mukti or have not reached the Swarg lok or Dev lok or for some reason are still in the pitra yoni but are in a comfortable situation with their relative and dead souls in this astral world and are peacefully awaiting their next birth, may be back to the earth or any other astral world or Loka.
The Ashant Pitra is one who is restless because the last rites were not performed correctly, or his/her death occurred which was very cruel, he/she passed away with a lot of desires unfulfilled, it can be a unnatural death, unexpected death, he/she had a lot of vengeance… there are many a reasons written in the scriptures. Few can also be the bad deeds of the past life for which the Karmas were incomplete in the earthly life and the suffering continues as an Ashant Pitra.
Some scholars and learned classify them as Preta, but the guru from whom I learnt represented them as Ashant Pitra because they are your own ancestors and you know them. The unknown ones are considered Pretas who can cause trouble to anyone without any reason, that is the habit of a Pretatma , but the Ashant Pitra causes trouble and indicates by various signs to remind you that you need to complete the last rites correctly so that it gets the Mukti.
One of the arguments … perhaps a curious question that I discussed with my Guru and I’m sure many of us will have this question …”If they are our Ancestor, why will they trouble us, to an extent that causes miscarriage, loss of job, loss of money etc…”
The answer is pretty simple… what do you do if you are suffering and no body bothering about it., what does a new born do when you don’t feed him / her with milk or food on time,. What will you do if you are not allowed to come inside the home and made to stand out for few days without offering you food and water, will you not get angry, to top it… if you see your beloveds enjoying the pleasures of flesh and blood rolling in joy and have complete ignored you and treat you like a door mat without offering you place to sleep… without talking to you… without giving you what you deserve… without respecting you… without treating you if you are in pain… will you not go wild…
My next question was “Well.. I don’t know if a Pitra is suffering, I am ignorant, cant he tell me by some other means instead of troubling me”
To answer this my Guru ji gave me two example… there is nothing called ignorance in a cosmic world, can you murder someone and go uncaught or expect the court to pardon you because you killed someone out of ignorance… just like a law of the land there are laws that govern Cosmic worlds too.
And just like we get to know about the law of the land studying books, and from the society there are learned astrologers who can see your horoscope and tell if your Pitra is under some trouble or you carry a Pitra Dosh and will also suggest you remedies to help the Pitra with Mukti or make it a Shant Pitra.
You don’t believe in astrology, or there are some people who are thugs because of whom the entire astrologers community is getting a bad name and you are confused… these are not valid reasons for the cosmic entity to understand your ignorance.
Secondly, the symptoms of Miscarriage, Job loss, quarrels etc.. due to pitra dosh don’t appear right away, there are many symptoms that you will observe even before something really bad happens. Just like before a serious ailment in your medical history is to be observed you will have some mild symptoms that you need to cure following you with your doctor… just like you get your blood reports checked by a professional you can get help from an astrologer who can check your kundli or read your palm or look at the tarots and point out to you the situation…
Some symptoms you will observe as follows…
1. A crow sits at your roof top daily at the same time expecting you to offer something
2. Repeatedly in your dreams you will see the ancestors trying to communicate with you
3. You will observe some dreams of ghostly figures and suddenly you will appear to be as a ghost
4. Restlessness and irritability followed by arguments with parents or spouse asking for your rights and questioning your parents on why they are not willing to give you what you want…
5. You will suddenly experience that your friends are trying to help you and the work gets done after few obstacles or hurdles
6. You will dream a lot of unknown places, where you are offering food to people you don’t know
7. You will dream about performing a ritual, a prayer, taking bath in a river etc… almost like a dream of doing a Pind daan
These are initial symptoms… if you can catch them initially you can reach an astrologer or a sooth sayer or an occultist or any paranormal expert or a psychic etc… and talk to them about this, they will tell you what to do… and if you ignore the second level of symptoms start…
8. Quarrels at home or office or with business clients
9. Unnecessary allegations, defamation, court cases, exam failures, delays and obstacles etc..
10. While these happen… you will start seeing dreams of Snakes, weird animals, awkward looking people and ghostly figures, unknown places, graveyards… etc…
None the less, the second level of symptoms that you face will increase more during the Shradda masa, the time when the shrada needs to be done during the year…. and if you ignore this or relate this to some other reason, or the astrologer or occultist etc.. who you met does not identify the real reason and relates these symptoms to some other planetary influence or you do wrong remedies the third level or more severe symptoms come up as follows…
11. Trouble begetting children, miscarriages, complicated pregnancy etc..
12. Loss of job, loss of business, sudden loss of money,
13. Severe trouble hitting multiple people at the same time in the family
14. Accidents, fire, mishaps… sometimes results in death as well
Well… the next question is how to identify reading a horoscope if you really have a pitra dosh or the issues you are facing are due to some other influence, while there are many combinations of planets that needs to be studied based on various philosophies and methods of Vedic Astrology, LalKitab, KP Astrology, BV Raman method etc… here are few that a lay man can read just by looking at his horoscope
· If Sun & Rahu form conjunction in 9th house then Pitra Dosha is formed in the birth chart
· If Moon & Rahu form conjunction in 4th then the Pitra Dosha is formed (maternal side)
· Sun, Moon, Rahu and Saturn together in any house will form Pitra Dosha
· Venus, Saturn & Rahu, or two of these three are situated in the 5th House of horoscope
· If Sun is in 5th from Lagna debilitated or in Capricorn or Aquarius navamsha the person will face trouble in begetting of children / will face miscarriage due to the Pitra Dosh
In a nutshell… Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Moon and Saturn are the key planets and their positions to study for Pitra Dosh. Rahu and Ketu have been given a significant. Pitra dosh formed by Fathers side runs for 7 generations and from mothers side runs for 4 generations.
Remedies to Pitra Dosh
There are specific remedies like Pind Daan, Tarpan, Narbali puja at Traymabkeshwar, Gaya, Kalahasti etc… which are recommended for people with severe symptoms.
For general symptoms and if you are not sure about a Pitra Dosh you can still do these and there definitely will be benefits you will experience.
1. Respect Parents and elders in the family and be humble to people, seek their blessings
2. Offer some feed to the cow (Green grass, roti, food, bread etc…) every Friday … this helps to overcome Pitra dosh if formed from Maternal side
3. Create a ball of Rice and Sugar and offer to the Crow daily morning this helps to overcome Pitra dosh if formed from the Fathers end
4. Reciting the 7 day Paath of Srimad Bhagwathm, and offering food to needy in the name of all ancestors both mothers and fathers side has seen a lot of benefit
5. Worship the Peepal tree and offer Kheer (Payasam) in the name of ancestors to Cow, Crow and Dog on the day of Somvati Amavasya to overcome Pitra Dosh
6. Keep the Photographs of Ancestors, both mothers side and fathers side, pray and serve offerings to seek their blessings. (I have seen in many family the fathers side ancestors photographs are kept in the home, we don’t see the mothers side ancestors, this is wrong way of handling things, will recommend keeping both linages)
7. Do Pinddaan, worship and Tarpana on the date of death of manes in the Krishna Paksha of Ashwini month with sesame, couch grass, flowers, raw rice and Ganga water or pure water, if the date of death is not known you may wish to do it on an Amavasya.
8. Mother/Father/King in mythological literature represents the Sun & the Moon, when afflicted/ill placed in the natal chart, are believed to be attributed to the wrong deeds done to parents. The preferred propitiatory charities are recommended. For the sun & the moon- feed cow/ox.
9. If you want to interact with your Pitra, read the 11th Chapter of Srimad Bhagvat Gita for a weeks’ time daily in the evening after your ablutions … the Pitra will appear in your dream, you can communicate and the Pitra will let you know if it is satisfied or not.
Scriptures have given a lot of importance and powers associated to the Pitras, one can get a lot of benefits, success, love, marriage, progeny, money, overall success, family harmony, business growth, job promotion and a lot lot lot lot lot of material benefits by keeping the Pitra Satisfied and happy.
If you need help or wish to discuss about this you may wish to email me at