Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Science behind Black magic…

It’s been a while now that I was attracted to the world of darkness and wanted to explore the truth or the science behind the occult practices. It’s known and there are a lot of books to read and material over the net one can surf and know the methods of the craft, my interest was not in the methods but to know the science behind them and understand if they really work and if yes how do they work. There are both believers and non-believers, few believe out of fear and few call it just myth or superstation. I happened to talk to a lot of people sometimes face to face and some over the net on an email or a chat window. 90% of the people I spoke to who believe told that it works and the information they shared with me were more about the methods, when I asked them the rational of practicing a technique or a casting the spell or chanting a mantra for a period of time or using some things they were unable to answer… few told that it’s a secrete and should not be reveled and few told we simply practice but have not ever tried to understand how this works.
I continued to read, explore and research more about this and was able to draft a theory on the science behind this craft, the rationale behind the psychic attacks, evil eye. Although I am not fully convinced and still have a lot of questions unanswered… I’m sharing in the below passage what I discovered,
VOODOO… one of the most dangerous art is practiced across the world… and is believed to have close to 50million followers, people practices it for both good and bad, often the stories I came across were around the nefarious use of this craft to harm someone. The voodoo practitioner or the occultist, the tantric as in India, or the aghori etc… whatever the name given to these people usually ask you to get them some object of the victim on which you will need to cast a spell.
The theory and faith of these practitioners revolves on the principle of contagion which states Objects or beings in physical contact with each other continue to interact after separation. Naturally, having a part of someone's body (nails, hair, spit, etc.) gives the best contagion link.
In its simplest form, this phenomena of magic works on the principle that if one makes an image of the person who is the subject of your spell, then what is done to the image and the persons objects like hair or nails or cloth etc… is done to the person.
All this can also be attributed to the the Law of Similarity. ie"like produces like," or that an effect resembles its cause. The idea of sticking pins in a doll or puppet. Obviously the idea is that the pins and needles represent the pain and suffering you hope to inflict on a victim ! Conversely if you create a puppet of someone and stuff it with healing herbs and work over it, you are trying to infuse that person with the healing properties of the herbs, to cure him/her. So this law works for both good and bad.
The Law of Contagion ie that things having been in contact with each other continue to react
upon one and another at a distant even after contact has been severed or disconnected. For this reason one uses the nailparings or hair of subject when trying to cast a spell over them.

The idea is that an object once belonging to and worn by a subject, retains the psychic impression of that person, and their aura, even when no longer in their possession. What the occultist does is using these objects the victims aura is first penetrated with negative energy which then discharges the positive energy that often protects us. The aura consists of energy (or chi) .It is a blueprint of our physical body. So if there is a problem on the energetic level it will sooner or later reflect on the physical level. There are a lot of ways to keep yourself protected from psychic attacks and will share them with you in my next blog… reach out to me if you need help or if you feel you are under a psychic attack or just want to discuss and share your experience.


  1. 3 and half years back I was attacked by a very powerful psychic attack. After 6 months we came to know and we got it healed, although I think he didn't do it properly because I used to behave oddly. Last year I got it cure by a best and I am convinced that it is cured. But now whenever I compare myself with me 4 years ago, I find a huge difference in my way of looking at life and my energy level.

    Do you think effect of such magic lasts for a lifetime?
    or it just damages our aura, which can be rebuit by spiritual practices?

  2. Hi. I heard of a practice known as pranic healing. Does that help to nullify the negetive energy or spells. And how do i understand wheather i have any spells done on me or not.

    Please note, while trying to concentrate on prayers, i get severe headaches and when i close my eyes, i can vaguly see certain colours which i do not understand what is it.

  3. Hi. I heard of a healing method called pranic healing. Can you please suggest if this can nillify the negetive spells. Also please suggest how to be sire wheather any negetive spell is casted on me or not.

    Please note, while trying to concentrate on any thing, i get severe head aches which is tremendous.
    And while praying, i see vague.. very vague light colours.

  4. hi. We are trying to research on the topic. would like to know how the contact is maintained even after the object is no more in position of the person owning it??

  5. hey i have a doubt. as you have said that their is a link between a person and an object. but what could this link scientifically be?

  6. hi. i have a doubt. as you have said their is a link between a person and an object according to the law of contagion. but i would like to know what the link would be if it was to be scientifically explained.

    1. According to Science, when we are associated with an object, there is an exchange of energy between them and the longer the contact remains, the longer will be the bonding.. That's why when an object is taken from you which you are heading from a long time or that is associated with your body, it still retains the energy link with you for some time. The energy here can be emotional energy, since emotions are energy and they have frequency as well..

  7. Kindly mention the scientific reason if u know otherwise stay quiet

  8. Kindly mention the scientific reason if u know otherwise stay quiet
