Saturday, December 24, 2011

Mars and the Stock Market (NIFTY / SENSEX)

Often I have commented and have heard from various people on astrologers not capable and astrology is not a science if astrologers are that capable… can’t they make fortune for themselves in the stock market or can’t they gamble and win a fortune… etc… etc…
While there are many such let me revile a secrete with you all in this blog today. While Jupiter and Saturn are the astrologers favorite in the stock market and moon often for an intraday play
Take a look at the dates below…
Nice set of dates…. but what is common… among them, all these days Mars was in 16’ 35” and the Indian stock market was up. Sign or House does not matter… Mars in any house but 16th degree 35th Min will move the market and give an upward swing.
More often than not we are oriented towards Jupiter that drives the banking sector and much analysis is with Saturn showing the bearish signals and Jupiter aspects showing the bullish, Jupiter is very favorable to all planets and points with the exception of Jupiter aspects to Mars and Saturn which can trigger both favorable and unfavorable price swings, Moon too is a talk of the town for intraday traders, I have heard a very few talking about Mars.
I started to study more and more about the influence of mars and folks who discuss with me or write into me are disturbed with the negative influence of Mars either in their marital life, love life, aggression leading to criminal behavior, accidents and surgeries etc… I happened to meet a very interesting person who brought to me the insights of the positive side of Mars. 95% rather 99% of people I met and talked about this planet the views were negative and the aspects that Mars and Saturn can cause. While my interest was on the financial domain 16’ 35” degree was something special.
Now what happens when Mars is in 16th degree 35th minute of its journey in the zodiac house, the logic I was able to deduce and am still researching more and more about this is both the satellites of Mars Phobos and Deimos, the two moons of mars in mythology and folklore which stand for Terror and Panic go numb and their powers and influence on the traders is almost void. This causes the markets to go up because more and more traders speculate and move the markets up.
There may be many other theories and stories that people will say and believe about why markets move up when mars is in 16’ 35”…, my only intention to write this blog was to share my views and answer people who question why astrologers can’t make a fortune for themselves trading and gambling etc…
Folks who are reading this article can themselves research with the past data and wait for the coming days when every mars transits the 16th degree & 35th minute of any sign the stock market goes up. I have had four trades both resulting in a profit when I bought and sold the Nifty Futures purely on the above logic since July resulting in a 100% gain.
All the best … J

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